
Settore disciplinare: Storia della musica elettroacustica
Campi disciplinari di competenza:
• Storia del Sound Design
• Storia della musica elettroacustica

Lezione: Sab.

Laura Zattra

Laura Zattra PhD is a scholar of XX-XXI centuries music, with an emphasis on electroacoustic music, creative process studies and collaboration studies. She has used archives for 20 years constructing histories of authors, works, centres and collaborations. Her method incorporates philology, oral history and ethnography. Laura teaches the History of Electroacoustic Music and the History of sound design and film music in Bachelor and Master Programmes in Italy. She is Research Fellow at IRCAM Paris, author of the website, author of Studiare la Computer Music (2011) and editor of several multiauthored volumes including Designing tools and devices (with Alessandretti & Zavagna 2021), Notation in Electronic Music (with Alessandretti 2019), Live-Electronic Music (with Sallis, Bertolani, Burle 2018); Presenza storica di Luigi Nono (with De Benedictis 2011). More info:

Laura Zattra has used archives in her musicological practice for over 20 years constructing histories of works (Chowning, Di Scipio, Nono, Sciarrino), authors (Chowning, Paccagnini, Rampazzi), centres (CSC in Padova, IRCAM in Paris), collaborations (Chowning and his network of scientific and personal relationships, Fabbriciani-Nono, musical assistants, sound designers, spectral composers), instruments (NAGRA, early music software/hardware) and emerging professions (computer music designers, sound designers). In her work she incorporates source criticism and archaeology with oral history and ethnography, with an emphasis on Science, Technology and Society Studies and analysis of computer sources. She has pioneered the use of philology in the analysis of electronic music.

Laura Zattra holds PhDs from the Sorbonne and Trento University. She is Research Associate at IRCAM (Paris). She teaches the History of Electroacoustic Music and the History of Sound Design in cinema in Bachelor and Master Programmes in Italy, and was Invited Lecturer for the Master of Arts Sound Studies at the Universität der Künste in Berlin (2018) and the Estonian Academy of Music in Tallin (since 2021).

She is co-editor-in-chief of Musica/Tecnologia, founder of and member of the editorial board of ‘Projet Analyses’ (Ircam). Her research has been funded by grants from the French CNRS, Labex CAP (Paris 1), University of Padova (2006-12), University of Calgary (SSHRC grant), DeMonfort University. She is peer reviewer for a number of international journals, conferences and Project Evaluator. She has published in excess of 100 articles, book chapters, and conference papers. Her books include Designing tools and devices (with Alessandretti & Zavagna, 2021), La notazione della musica elettroacustica (with Alessandretti, 2019), Live-Electronic Music. Composition, Performance and Study (with Sallis, Bertolani, Burle, 2018); Studiare la Computer Music (2011); Presenza storica di Luigi Nono (with De Benedictis, 2011); Vent’anni di musica elettronica all’università di Padova. Il Centro di sonologia computazionale (with Durante, 2002). More info: